The Blog

Spending all day on video and audio calls now that you're "remote" and working from home? Need help setting up your home office, but don't know where to start? Here's how to get up and running (and look and sound like a pro) for as little as $300 (even if you're brand new to this […]
Discover the secret to dealing with uncertainty, fear, and chaos by understanding the difference between affordances and an obstacles.
Well, there's no escaping it; Coronavirus is here and people are scared. And because of the decrees, both de facto and de jure, for "social distancing" (aka how I live my life), small business owners everywhere are getting pummeled. (especially brick and mortar small businesses) Unfortunately, a lot of these businesses are going to be […]
Whatever "social media" was intended to be, in the last few years it seems to have begun an inexorable decline into what it always had to become: A 24/7, always-on, personalized fear machine. All you have to do is look into the "black mirror" in your pocket, and you'll see what I mean. How many […]
Learn how to grow your reach and increase your profit by selling books directly to your readers, fans, and followers via Facebook Messenger.
"The True Believer" is a book about mass movements that also happens to be a very useful blueprint for your marketing. Written by Eric Hoffer and originally published in 1951, "The True Believer" makes a convincing case for the existence of "mass movements" - what they are, how they work, how they form, and their […]

Should you host a virtual summit?

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Discover the good and bad of hosting a virtual summit.
About a month ago, I undertook a new home project renovation: -> Update the closet near the front hall. I wish I had a 'before the project began' picture (note to self: do this from now on), but in a nutshell: it was an empty closet with a coat hanger and a wobbly top shelf. We […]
Recently, I've been writing quite a bit about why the way social media and multi-sided marketplaces are currently setup makes them, effectively, a trojan horse hiding in plain site that will hurt indie creators down the road. For the full scoop, check out my series on the topic. Part 1: "The Long Tail" and part […]

How to think like an entrepreneur

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If entrepreneurship is the process by which value is created where less (or none) existed before, then the entrepreneur is the person who initiates and leads this value-creation process. Here's how it works: When new value is created, the customer receives some portion of this value. It could be faster speeds. More storage. An improved […]
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